Tuesday 15 May 2012

Fitness, stamina and attitude for singing!

Fitness, stamina and attitude are all essential for good singing training!

Singing training isn't often thought of as being as intensive as physical exercise. Perhaps thats because we are focusing on the musical side of it, rather than the process involved in sound production. 

But with singing we are using many of the same muscles in the body as with physical exercise and if they are not strong enough then the voice just won't work so well!

It really helps to keep up your stamina by keeping active. We can easily lose strength by taking time off, illness, or just laziness! But also by being too tense from stress at work, too many coffees and not drinking enough water!

All that energy has to come from somewhere. A balanced diet is the obvious source! But also your attitude has a huge part to play. It gives you the will-power to use your energy in the right way to build your strength and boost your stamina. If you are feeling low, or getting frustrated with your singing, that could be a reason why things stop working! 

Once you get going again, you get improving! And if you want to improve it, you will! Your confidence will boost and your singing will get stronger.


  1. These articles and blogs are truly enough for me for a day.
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  2. Right!!! Fitness, Stamina and Attitude are very important for good singing.
    Singing Lessons Surrey
